orange basil virgin mojito

 If you love to drink orange juice or have a refreshing drink made with an orange mojito. Today I will make how to make Orange Basil Mojito. These drinks are so easy to make you can whip up this virgin basil orange mojito in no time. Especially in the summertime, these drinks are very nice. And you can serve these drinks for any birthday party.

What preparations do you need to make this drink?

To make these drinks, you first need to take an orange. This fresh orange is definitely needed. And you need a tomcaling glass or you can use any glass long glass to make this mojito. And to keep a muddler use the orange mojito. And I will use basil leaves in this mojito but before that, you have to wash the basil leaves well. then use. I will use mint syrup in the orange mojito because using mint syrup gives a refreshing mint flavor. And you must prepare fresh orange juice separately for mojito drinks.

What are the ingredients?

1. fresh orange 

2. 1 tbsp Brown sugar 

3. 6 to 7 Basil leaves 

4. 15 ml Sugar mint syrup 

5.  120 ml of fresh orange juice 

6. Sprite or soda as required

ice cubes as required.


First, you need to take a fresh orange and cut it into round slices like two or three pieces, and take a long glass glass add orange juice well in that glass; rim it on top and add a small amount of brown sugar in a bowl. Add and add brown sugar as rime in the glass.

Cut the fresh orange into small pieces and add to the glass. And with that, you add basil leaves, seven remaining eight like pic. And with that, you add 15 ml sugar mint syrup. And after adding these you mix all these ingredients well with a muddler. After mixing well, you add a small amount of ice cubes to the glass.After adding ice cube you have to add fresh orange juice like 120 ml. After adding you can use sprite or soda as you like but I will add Sprite today. After adding all the ingredients use a long spoon and mix well to make the mojito.


Garnish is very important in every mojito or mocktails. A mojito doesn't look good without a garnish. So today in orange basil mojito you add fresh orange slices and add basil leaves and it will look very nice.


Serving : 1 mojito Calories : 176 kcal 

Carbohydrate :21g, protein : 1g Fat : 1g,

Saturated Fat : 1g, Polyunsaturated Fat : 1g 

Monounsaturated Fat : 1g, Sodium : 9mg

Potassium : 86mg Fiber: 1g Sugar 20g, Vitamin A:100U, 

Vitamin C : 21mg , Calcium :7mg iron :1mg

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